
Showing posts from March, 2022

Number System Conversion in MuleSoft(Mule 4) using Dataweave

 The number 11, we call it eleven in the decimal system. Still, it can be a representation of three in a binary system or it can be seventeen in a hexadecimal system. The actual value of a number depends on the base it is calculated. It is interesting changing the base changes the value of the representation. Let us assume in some integration flow we are getting values in binary number system but target system accepts values in a decimal system or hexadecimal system or vice versa. Examples depicting values in various number systems: # DECIMAL BINARY HEXADECIMAL OCTAL BASE 10 BASE 2 BASE 16 BASE 8 I 5 101 5 5 II 14 1110 E 16 III 54 110110 36 66 IV 123 1111011 7B 173 V 240 1111...

DECIPHER: Dynamic XSLTs in BPEL (SOA 12c)

 While developing integrations in BPEL 12c, XSLT is most commonly used to transform different XML message structures. We generally come across scenarios wherein based on specific input fields, our transformation logic changes. What we generally do is have all conditions within the same XSLT file. This makes our XSLT look a lot bigger and difficult to maintain. A better way would be to have different XSLTs and move deciding factor out of XSLT. Once we create different XSLTs for specific use cases having the same output format, now the question will come how to configure these XSLTs to be picked at runtime? This blog is curated with answers to such and many more questions. Let's take the example of account creation. There is a source application sending account information in an XML document which we need to update in a backend database. Now source system can send different types of address information like home address, business address, or shipping address. We get this information ...

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