
Racer API | AnyPoint Speedway

Anypoint Speedway ( The MuleSoft API Race Where Acceleration Meets Integration ) is launched with Season 3. So, Muleys all around the world get ready to RACE . Once we scroll through the  instructions , we see a need for Racer API, which will be used to compete in the race. Currently, Racer API can be built in any of the platforms, all it needs is a public endpoint with implementation as per specification . But, we are the MuleSoft developers, so let's build the API in MuleSoft. If you are a beginner or professional Muley, this article will help you implement the Racer API and participate in the race. Let's fasten up the seatbelt and start developing the  Racer API . Anypoint Speedway has made our lives easier by providing the readily available specification file. Pre-requisite racerId To enter the race, the RACER is required to register for the race and get a racerId. 1. Go to Anypoint Race API, and Click on Request Acces...

Configure Custom Domain in Private Space : CloudHub 2.0

 With CloudHub 2.0, applications are deployed in public spaces or private spaces. Private space isolates the applications deployed, and different network customizations can be done within the private space. Earlier in CloudHub 1.0, DLB used to be configured to balance the incoming load along with configuring the custom/vanity domain instead of using * We can configure vanity/custom domains in the private space, avoiding accessing the applications through the default * domain. Configuring the custom domain will require the public certificate and the private key as a prerequisite. Generating the self-signed public certificate and the private key For simplicity, we will try to create certificates for the wildcard domain. To generate the self-signed public certificate and private key, we will require OpenSSL . 1. Create a config file as below, name it config.cfg , and change the values as per the domain detail...

Experimenting Recursion in DataWeave - Fibonacci Series

  In various programming languages, recursion is a process in which a method or function calls itself to simplify a complicated problem. Understanding recursive solution sometimes become difficult. Let's try to solve a mathematical problem through recursion with a twist by using DataWeave . The Fibonacci series is a generic use case that recursion can solve. This is a very generic question in programming interviews. Photo by Natalya Letunova on Unsplash What is Fibonacci Series? A Fibonacci series is a set of integers starting with 0 followed by 1, and a series continuing with the sum of the preceding two integers in the sequence. For example, F n =0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34... Mathematically, F 0 =0 F 1 =1 F n =F (n-1) + F (n-2) Now transforming the above logic in the form of a recursive function to find the nth digit in the Fibonacci series. DataWeave Recursive Function: %dw 2.0 output application/json fun fib_r(n)= if...

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