[OSB 12c][Tutorial] OSB 12c SOAP webservice for temperature conversion i.e. Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
This tutorial is intended for the audience who are completely new to OSB and want to try a simple hello world kind of application. Instead of sending and receiving Hello World! . We will be using simple temperature conversion i.e. from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. We will be using simple Xquery to do all conversion and logic. High Level: In this case, our OSB component will contain 2 parts proxy service and pipeline. Proxy service will expose SOAP endpoint to the client application and pipeline will perform various operations on input payload. Since this is just a Hello World application, we will not be using business services. XQuery will be used to implement mathematical logic and conditional logic. Service will take temperature as input and will perform either Fahrenheit to Celsius (FtoC) or Celsius to Fahrenheit (CtoF) temperature conversion. If the conversion type is invalid, then the service will return a failure status. Mathematical Calculations: Let temperature in Fahr...