A brief about time in milliseconds and conversion to a human-readable form
Many a time, we come across situations wherein we need to convert the timestamp available(a human-readable form of date-time representation) into milliseconds(long number representation of date-time) or vice-versa. For example DateTime in ISO 8601 DateTime in milliseconds 2020-11-15T08:00:00+00:00 1605427200000 ms 2020-07-01T13:00:00+00:00 1593608400000 ms Seeing the long millisecond number, we generally get confused about how it is converted. We have conversion functions available in almost every programming language which we can think of. But, we always wonder about the logic behind the same. This article will give a brief idea about such questions. Hope you enjoy reading this article. Please share your thoughts in below comment section. Note: UTC time zone is considered as standard for this article. For other time zones, offset might nee...