
Showing posts from November, 2020

Read file inside BPEL using Xpath function

To read a file in SOA composite, we can use the following options      1. Using file adapter      2. Using java embedding      3. Using xpath function i.e. ora:readFile() We generally use file adapter to read, write or poll files from different file locations. But, in case if don't want to create a file adapter and don't want to go for java embedding. We can make use of BPEL xpath extension functions. In this article, we will discuss about reading a file using xpath function ora:readFile() . Xpath expression:     ora:readFile('fileName',['schemaLocation'],['rootElement'])     xmlns:ora = 'fileName' : Refers to absolute path of file along with extension. This is mandatory field.  'schemaLocation' : Refers to location of nxsd schema for the file to be read. This is an optional field. If you don't provide the schema location, then data from the file will be read and co...

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